Sunday April 30 @ Bossanova Ballroom
The World Is A Beautiful Place & I Am No Longer Afraid to Die
(10 years of Whenever If Ever, playing the 2013 album in full)
With Support From:
All Ages (bar w/ id)
6:30 PM doors / 7:30 PM show
Bossanova Ballroom
722 east burnside street,
PDX, 97214
No refunds for any reason please check all details before purchase.
Safety & security checks are mandatory at entry. No large bags or backpacks. No vapes or tobacco products allowed. No smoking of anything in the venue. No weapons of any kind. Our venue is a hate free zone. Any aggressive negative behavior will result in removal from the premises with no refund. Consent is awesome so you need to be awesome too. Please be cool. We are an independent venue & value our staff and customers safety & well being.