Bearracuda Portland
July 14th, 2023
722 E Burnside
DJ Nick Bertossi (Vancouver)
DJ Matt Consola
HOT Go-Go's all night
Lasers by Laseronics
Decor by James Sharinghousen
Doors at 9pm
Adv tix here: https://www.eventbrite.com/.../bearracuda-portland-pride...
SAY GAY! Bearracuda returns to Portland PRIDE for a very sexy night on Friday, July 14th!
Aaron Altemose is back with live visuals, Laseronics will be manning the lasers. Plan on dancing ALL NIGHT! Early arrival is recommended for this event.
Follow us at Instagram.com/Bearracuda
Join our mailing list at http://visitor.r20.constantcontact.com/d.jsp...
We can't wait to see everyone!